
Héros sportifs autochtones – Le livre numérique

Black and white photo of Phyllis Bomberry sitting on a bench and cheering her team on.

Phyllis Bomberry


Colette Bourgonje

Colette Bourgonje

Alex Decoteau, black and white portrait

Alex Decoteau

Sharon Anne & Shirley Anne Firth stand in ski gear on a snowy hill

Sharon Anne & Shirley Anne Firth

Waneek Horn-Miller playing water polo


Waneek Horn-Miller

Bill Isaccs poses with his lacrosse gear, black and white

Bill Isaacs

Joseph Benjamin Keeper poses for a portrait, black and white

Joseph Benjamin Keeper

Edward Lennie laughs candidly while at the Indigenous Games

Edward Lennie


Chief Wilton Littlechild poses for a portrait in his traditional First Nations head dress

Mahihkan Pimohtêw

Chef Wilton Littlechild

Tom Longboat poses for a portrait, black and white


Tom Longboat

An portrait painting of Harry Manson


Harry Manson

Alwyn Morris, on a podium having won Gold at the Olympics, poses with an eagle feather


Alwyn Morris

Gaylord Powless, poses for a portrait in a Canadian jersey, sepia

Gaylord Powless

Ross Powless poses with a lacrosse stick, black and white

Ross Powless

Bryan Trottier, giving a speech at a Canada's Sports Hall of Fame podium

Bryan Trottier

The Tom Longboat Award

Tom Longboat


A collage of various Tom Longboat Award winners

Tom Longboat

GAGNANTS DU PRIX (2017-2023)

Three different Indigenous Games medals

Jeux Autochones